Author Guidelines

Systematics of empirical articles should consist of: Title of Article; Name of Author(s); Affiliation of Author(s); Email of Author(s); Abstract; Keywords; Introduction; Literature Review and Hypothesis Development; Research Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusions; Acknowledgment (Optional); Appendix (Optional); and References).

Title should at the most be 15 words. The title of the article should be concise, interesting and describe the content of the article. The title is written entirely in capital letters and typed center justified and bolded. The name should not bear any title (Dr., Prof., etc). The affiliation refers to the author's institution. In addition, please include the e-mail address for the corresponding author.

The abstract should be written in two languages (both in Indonesian and English) with a single space. Each abstract consists of 100-200 words. The abstract includes a description of the purpose, methods (eg: samples and techniques analysis used), and the result of research.

Key Words
Keywords should be written no more than 6 words.

The introduction consists of 4-5 paragraphs that state research issues, state of the art, and is ended with the purpose of research. State of the art refers to the discussion of the discourse and theoretical studies that reflect the emergence of new issues (novelty) in the research. The proportion of the introduction should not be more than 10-15% of the total length of the article.

Literature review and hypotesis development
This section contains the theory and literature referenced and linked to writing. Highly recommended that literature referenced is published no more than 10 years before with the following order: a reputed international journals, national journals accredited, national journals, international symposiums, national symposiums, and textbooks. For research with hypothesis testing, the hypothesis development is built by supporting theory, previous research, and logical argumentation. After the explanation is formulated, then write your hypothesis with this following format:
H1: write the formulated hypothesis
The proportion of the literature review is 30-50% of the total length of the article.

Research Methods
Methods delineate the research design of the study, the research target (populations and samples, informants or research subjects), technical development of the instrument or data collection, and data analysis techniques. The research method should be written in a narrative style. The proportion of the research method is 10-15% of the total length of the article.

Result and Discussion
Results and discussion provide data analysis with respect to research questions. The use of tables, graphs or diagrams is recommended. Discussion on the table, graph or chart should not merely redescribe content of the table, graph or chart. The discussion should include answers to the research questions, an explanation of the logic of obtaining the findings, as well as the corresponding analysis of each paradigm. If you require a specific subsection, simply write the title of the new subsection in bold formatted as a continuous paragraph. Research in positivism should associate findings with theory and or relevant previous research results. The proportion of findings and discussion is 65-80% of the total length of the article.

Conclusion contains research conclusion, implication, limitation and advice for future research. The implication is practical advice from result research. Research limitation includes all aspects that can be considered by researchers to refine future research. While the research advice is advised for the next research based on the limitation that cannot be done by the researcher in his research.

Acknowledgment is provided for the author to express his gratitude either for the research funders or the other parties who contribute to research realization.


Appendix contain the research instrument, questionnaires, experiment scenario, interview question list, and other instruments.

Reference should contain all sources cited. The reference should consist at least 80% literature/journals published in recent 10 years. References used should be primary sources in the form of research articles in journals, proceedings, seminars and research reports (including thesis and dissertation). With the author-date system, use the following format recommended by Harvard-Anglia.