Implementation of Village Financial System in Village Financial Management
Village Financial System, Village Government, Financial ManagementAbstract
Using the approval of law no. 6 of 2014, for villages, villages are given the mandate to organize government and development in their country. The central government provides crucial funding sources for the country to manage the country's potential to increase the economy and people's welfare. The implementation of state financial management must be based on the principles of transparency, accountability, participation, order, and discipline of the rules. To build clean, transparent, accountable, effective, and efficient state financial governance, the Financial Supervision and Development Agency (BPKP) and the Directorate General of Village Government Development of the Ministry of Home Affairs collaborate to build software called the Village Financial System (Siskeudes) in village management. Rules in the country. The goal is to help the government of a country become more independent in managing state finances effectively and efficiently, and to increase transparency in state financial accountability. some factors suggest state financial management such as leadership, human resources, commitment, and communication.
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