The Effect of Business Ethics Education, Misuse of Technology, and Love of Money on the Integrity of Accounting Students
Business Ethics Education, Misuse of Technology, Love of Money, Student integrity, AccountingAbstract
Integrity is an important value in the professional world, especially for an accountant. This study aims to determine the effect of Business Ethics Education, Misuse of Technology, and Love of Money on the integrity of accounting students at Medan State University. This research uses quantitative methods. The population in this study were accounting students at Medan State University and the sample was collected using a purposive sampling method with a sample size of 57 respondents. The tests used in this study are validity and reliability tests, normality tests, model fixity tests (coefficient of determination), hypothesis testing using multiple regression, T-test, and F-test. The results of this study individually that business Ethics Education has a significant effect on Student Integrity, Misuse of Technology does not show a significant effect on Student Integrity, Love of Money also has a significant effect on Student Integrity, Business Ethics Education, Misuse of Technology, Love of Money have a simultaneous influence on Student Integrity.
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