The Influence of Ethical Knowledge on Students' Perceptions of Accountants' Unethical Behavior


  • Indri Sabrina Universitas Negeri Medan



Ethical knowledge, Student perception, Unethical behavior, Accounting, Ethic Education


This study aims to analyze the effect of ethical knowledge on students' perceptions of the unethical behavior of accountants, using a sample of 30 accounting students at Medan State University. Data were collected through a questionnaire and analyzed by inferential analysis. The results showed a Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.736, indicating good consistency, and all statements in the questionnaire were valid (p < 0.005). The coefficient of determination (R-squared) showed that ethical knowledge explained 25.6% of the variability in students' perceptions. The t-test showed a significant positive effect (p = 0.004). These findings support the importance of ethics education in shaping students' critical perceptions of the unethical behavior of accountants and recommend strengthening ethics education in the accounting curriculum.


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How to Cite

Sabrina, I. (2025). The Influence of Ethical Knowledge on Students’ Perceptions of Accountants’ Unethical Behavior. Journal of Asian Business and Management , 1(1), 71-78.