Review Process

The submitted manuscript is first reviewed by an editor to evaluate whether it aligns with JAAF's focus and scope and to check for major methodological flaws. The manuscript will also undergo a similarity check using Turnitin, with an acceptable similarity score of less than 25%.

After the initial screening, the manuscript will be sent to at least two anonymous reviewers under a Double-Blind Review process, where both the reviewers and the authors remain anonymous. Reviewers’ comments will then be forwarded to the corresponding author for necessary revisions and responses.

The suggested decision will be discussed in an editorial board meeting, after which the editor will communicate the final decision to the corresponding author.

Review Outcomes

Based on the peer review process, the Editor will make the final decision on publication. The review process typically takes 4 to 6 weeks. The possible decisions include:

  • Reject – The manuscript is not accepted for publication, and the authors will not have the opportunity to resubmit a revised version to JAAF.
  • Resubmit for Review – The submission requires major revisions. After significant improvements, the manuscript may be considered for a second round of review.
  • Accept with Revisions – The manuscript is accepted pending minor or major modifications. Revisions must be completed before publication, and an editor will verify the updates.
  • Accept – The manuscript is accepted without any further modifications and will be published in its current form.


All correspondence regarding manuscripts should be directed to the Editor of JAAF and cc'd to The Editor will communicate directly with the corresponding author, who is responsible for informing co-authors.

Beyond the review process, manuscripts accepted for publication may require additional correspondence for copyediting and layout editing before final publication.

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