Penyuluhan Pentingnya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Terhadap PHBS Dalam Peningkatan Derajat Kesehatan
: Clean,Healthy, Lifstyle,conduciveAbstract
The Clean and Healthy Lifestyle Program (PHBS) is one of the health promotion efforts aimed at making everyone live clean and healthy by creating conducive conditions for individuals. The data shows that households that have implemented PHBS only reached 38.7%. This figure shows that it is not optimal. This activity was carried out in Alue Peudeung village in 2019 with a counseling or promotion method which means that in this activity the community who lives around Alue Peudeung Village totals around 20 participants. The results of the socialization activities about PHBS knowledge to the community in Alue Peudeung Village showed that with this counseling, the community's understanding and knowledge of the importance of implementing PHBS in improving community health status.