Bimtek Pengelolaan Berbasis Otomasi Slims Perpustakaan Sma Swasta Se-Kota Pekanbaru
A The school library as a learning resource plays a major role in facilitating the process of strengthening student literacy. To strengthen the role and quality of libraries, currently school libraries are required to fulfill 9 accreditation components including: (1) Library Collections; (2) Library Facilities and Infrastructure; (3) Library Services; (4) Library Staff; (5) Library Management; (6) Library Management; (7) Innovation and Creativity; (8) Level of Reading Interest; (9) Community Literacy Development Index. In order to provide services to its users, the Pekanbaru City Private School library management staff intends to carry out library automation which can help in handling routine operational activities in the Pekanbaru City Private School library. PkM activities are carried out in the form of technical guidance.