Penerapan Teknologi dalam Pengelolaan Data Sampah di Bank Sampah Unit kantor Dinas Kebersihan dan Lingkungan Hidup


  • Susi Erlinda Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Liya Astarilla Dede Warman Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Dian Wahyuni Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Afritayeni Afritayeni Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Franciskus Zoromi Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Mardainis Mardianis Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Agustin Agustin Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Imam Muhammad Abdul Alif Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia
  • Ahmad Zaki Universitas Sains dan Teknologi Indonesia



Rubbish; unit waste bank; healthy Waste; Office


Waste management in Pekanbaru City is a major concern considering the amount of waste produced reaches around 600 tons per day. Of this waste, 38 types of waste can be recycled, managed by the main Green Sustainble Waste Bank (BSI HLT) with the assistance of the Pekanbaru city cleanliness and Environment Service. To make waste collection and pickup easier, Unit Waste Banks were established in each RW with a total of 175 units to date. However, there are several problems in waste management, especially related to the weighing and recording process which is still done manually, takes time and has the potential to cause errors. Apart from that, the public’s lack of understanding in storing and managing waste at home is also an obctacle, which can cause unpleasant odors and health problems. Therefore, the STMIK Amik Riau PKM Team will provide training and technical guidance to unit waste bank officers in recording waste weighing data, registering mambers, and converting it into rupiah. Apart form that, counseling and technical guidance regarding waste management and storge in accordance with health standards will also be provided to the community. The request form the chairman of the main waste bank to use Microsoft office in the recording process will also be fulfilled, while learning how to create an attractive appearance on the system. This is expected to increase the efficiency and effectiveness if waste management in Pekanbaru City.




How to Cite

Erlinda, S. ., Warman, L. A. D. ., Wahyuni, D., Afritayeni , A. ., Zoromi, F. ., Mardianis, M. ., Agustin, A. ., Alif, I. M. A. ., & Zaki, A. . (2024). Penerapan Teknologi dalam Pengelolaan Data Sampah di Bank Sampah Unit kantor Dinas Kebersihan dan Lingkungan Hidup . COMSEP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 5(2), 128-133.