Sosialisasi Profesi Arsitek Pada Jurusan Permodelan Informasi Bangunan SMK Negri 5 Pekanbaru
Profesi Arsitek, Dunia Kerja Teknik, Desain permodelanAbstract
The Socialization of Architect Profession in Building Modeling and Information Design Department of SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru City is part of the Tri Dharma activities of higher education conducted by the Lancang Kuning University Architecture study program lecturer service team. The imposition of the architect profession aims to respond to public interest in the number of students who enter the Building Modeling and Information Design Department at SMK Negeri 5 Pekanbaru. The vocational students will go directly to the world of work after completing their education, so they can get a basic understanding before facing the world of work. With this implementation, students can prepare themselves early in order to face the challenges of the future professional architectural workforce.