Rehabilitasi Sosial di Balai Anak Sentra Abiseka Pekanbaru


  • Kasmanto Rinaldi Universitas Islam Riau
  • Novia Amriani Universitas Islam Riau
  • Nurmal Putri Universitas Islam Riau
  • Pera Jumiyadon Universitas Islam Riau
  • Rifani Akmal Universitas Islam Riau
  • Syakira Rahmadita Universitas Islam Riau



Children, Social, Rehabilitation


Children are the inheritors of the nation and must be protected. They must be protected because children are human resources for future national development. To create quality human resources, effective and efficient coaching is needed. But in reality, in the process of fostering and protecting in everyday life, there are community problems in the form of deviations in child behavior. Currently, many children are taking legal action. There are many factors that make these children do things they shouldn't and may break the law. These factors are mainly due to the negative influence of the times, economic factors that cannot meet the needs of the family, and the influence of the surrounding environment. We as an older society must help monitor the development of the child so that the child can grow up to become a quality successor to the nation and not commit acts of violating the law. As an older society, we must help monitor the development of our children so that they grow up to be good successors for the country and do not commit illegal acts. Children who violate the law (ABH) in our environment do need protection because by their nature children cannot protect themselves from actions or behaviors that are detrimental to the psychological, physical, and social aspects of life. Children must be protected by parents, society, social organizations and the government. But most importantly for children in conflict with the law (ABH) there must be protection from community counselors who play an important role in the welfare of children in the future when applying the law to children in conflict with the law. Community advisors have a special role in the law enforcement process. Community counselors are part of the criminal justice system, just like police, prosecutors, judges or lawyers. Community leaders are responsible for fulfilling their duties and obligations to correctional institutions. Based on the description of the background above, and the main issue that community counselors are obliged to accompany children in conflict with the law (ABH), we want to socialize it so that we can find out more about the true meaning of social rehabilitation for children at the Abiseka Rumbai Center for Children's Center, Pekanbaru.




How to Cite

Rinaldi, K., Amriani, N. ., Putri, N. ., Jumiyadon, P. ., Akmal, R. ., & Rahmadita, S. . (2023). Rehabilitasi Sosial di Balai Anak Sentra Abiseka Pekanbaru. COMSEP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 4(2), 153-159.