Budidaya Tanaman Cabe Rawit Untuk Membantu Ekonomi Penyandang Disabilitas Di Yayasan Insan Berguna Nusantara


  • Neng Susi
  • Cindytia Prastari cindytiaprastari@unilak.ac.id
  • Muhammad Rizal Muhammad Rizal3




Cayenne pepper, Cultivation, Training, Disability


Cayenne pepper, or chilli, is a fruit and plant belonging to the Capsicum genus. Apart from Indonesia, it also grows and is famous as a cooking spice in other Southeast Asian countries. In Malaysia and Singapore, it is called chilli padi; in the Philippines, silinglabuyo; and in Thailand, phrikkhi nu. In Kerala, India, there is a traditional dish that uses cayenne pepper and is called kantharimulagu. It is known as Thai pepper or bird's eye chilli pepper in English. Cayenne pepper pods change colour from green to red when ripe. Despite being smaller than other chilli varieties, it is moderately hot, with a spiciness of 50,000 – 100,000 on the Scoville scale.

Insan Berguna Nusantara (IBNU) is one of the foundations whose members are a group of people with disabilities; they don't have regular jobs as usual like ordinary people. Therefore, they do business according to their abilities. One of them is by cultivating chilli plants to support their economy. However, the quality of their chillies has decreased and made them restless. So we from the Faculty of Agriculture provide a solution so that the rate of their chilli production increases and they can produce the chilli they want by doing direct practice on cayenne pepper cultivation. Apart from training, we also provide counselling on proper cultivation and maintenance so that chillies grow well according to their needs. Besides that, we also offer assistance in the form of materials for chilli cultivation, such as polybags, chilli seeds, chilli seeds, NPK fertilizer, manure, black soil and pesticides. After the training was carried out, there was an increase in knowledge of 100%




How to Cite

Susi, N. ., Prastari, C., & Rizal, M. . (2023). Budidaya Tanaman Cabe Rawit Untuk Membantu Ekonomi Penyandang Disabilitas Di Yayasan Insan Berguna Nusantara . COMSEP: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 4(2), 191-195. https://doi.org/10.54951/comsep.v4i2.470