Edukasi Pasar Modal Bagi Siswa Smk Global Pekanbaru
Otoritas Jasa Keuangan states that our society’s knowledge related to stock market is only 13,97%, its percentage means low educated about stock market and the lowest among education related to all financial services. This condition can be the caused by few financial literature and our millennial society, categorized from 15-17 years old are not familiar with financial literature.SMK Global Pekanbaru is one of vocational high school in Pekanbaru that serves their students good education so the students can prepare themselves for better future. This program is about introducing students to stock market. Information derived from the interview with Vice Principle of SMK Global that the students of SMK Global Pekanbaru has less knowledge about stock market, because this is their first time learning it. The purpose of this program is to introduce and educate the students of SMK Global Pekanbaru about stock market. The method used in this activities are presentation and simulation. The outcome of this program is to increase the knowledge of the students of SMK Global Pekanbaru and we can see the results from pre test and post test that there is enhancement in student’s knowledge about stock market from before presentation to after presentation.