Upaya Pencegahan Stunting dengan Pemanfaatan Singkong sebagai Sumber Pangan Lokal
stunting, local food source, MP-ASI, CassavaAbstract
Stunting occurs due to malnutrition that occurs within 1000 days of a toddler's life. This malnutrition is due to the lack of public knowledge regarding the dangers of stunting and how to prevent it. This is something that cannot be underestimated, if we look at the sustainability impact of stunting. Two Puskesmas in Desa Pekan Kamis, they found 3 who were malnourished, which had to be prevented immediately. The method uses a participatory approach, both by holding socialization related to stunting and the use of local food to prevent stunting. Local food that is widely circulated in Pekan Kamis Village is cassava, which can be used Breast Milk Complementary Food (MPASI). The level of achievement obtained is how the people of Pekan Kamis Village can use processed cassava into MPASI, and the higher level of public understanding of the importance of preventing stunting in children.