Pembuatan dan Pelatihan Media Promosi Berbasis Android pada Kelompok Usaha Jahit Merpati Sakti
There are many small businesses on Jalan Merpati Sakti, Simpang Baru Village, Pekanbaru and one of them is a sewing business. There are several sewing businesses on Merpati Sakti Street that are members of the Merpati Sakti business group. Community service activities with sewing business group partners to maximize promotional media to customers through android-based social media applications. The purpose of this PKM is to increase the number of customers who use sewing services on Jalan Merpati Sakti through promotion on android-based online media. The method of implementing this activity is by means of socialization and training on the use of android as an online promotional media. This PKM activity ran smoothly. All participants enthusiastically attended the event until it was over and felt the benefits of training for the progress of their business. The results of this activity are the increased understanding of partners about the use of social media for promotional media and the increasing number of customers who use the services of the sewing business group on Merpati Sakti Street.